Fertility is not just about an egg and a sperm, it’s about the whole health of a person. Research consistently shows that so many aspects of our lives influence our fertility, from our food choices, lifestyle choices and even our mental health. Therefore, making certain choices can profoundly impact overall fertility.

What does this really mean? It means that these choices can impact egg quality, menstrual cycles, hormone levels, blood sugar levels, sperm quality, sperm health and mental health. All of these can impact the ability to fall pregnant or father a child. Not only can they impact fertility but they also impact the future child’s health. The choices you make today, determine the health of your child and their children as well. Research has shown that our Grandparents health impacts our health outcomes as adults.

So what are the best health choices we can make, which choices have the most impact?

The biggest impact is by far the basic ones which we probably all know about:

  • Stop smoking, even socially or cigars – both men and women. The heavy metals and chemicals found in cigarette and cigar smoke have been found to reduce fertility, cause miscarriages, and lead to birth defects and brain development.
  • Avoid alcohol – even 1 drink daily has been found to influence a women’s hormone levels
  • Avoid processed foods – so much research points to processed food as major contributors to poor health in every aspect.

If you’re ready to take that next step and really boost your fertility:

  • Choose food that is high in natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties to help egg and sperm quality – Beetroot, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, broccoli, kale, spinach, purple carrots, purple cabbage, pomegranate, walnuts.
  • Choose omega 3 rich foods for hormone health – wild caught, small fish such as – sardines, flathead, mackerel. Avocados, fresh nuts and seeds.
  • Shift your cooking to always include fresh herbs and spices such as turmeric, thyme, parsley, coriander. All culinary herbs have dense levels of nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Exercise daily – research has shown that 20-30 mins daily positively changed mens sperm and women’s hormones.
  • Ensure that you are eating enough fibre. Something I see a lot in clinic is a lack of good quality fibre in patients diets. Fibre can act as a prebiotic to help form the all important microbiome in our gut, uterus and vagina, and has a major role in hormone regulation via the gut and bowel.

It’s important to remember that for women it takes 90 days for eggs to mature, during this period as they are changing and maturing, they are the most susceptible to your health.  So any changes you want to make for conception should be done at least 3 months prior to trying to conceive to give your child the best chance at optimum health.

For specific and individual fertility support please book in with Samantha here.

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