1 – Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus abnormally grows outside of the uterus, commonly affecting the ovaries, pelvic region and/or fallopian tubes.​​​​​​​​ This can cause pain, scarring and infertility. Other symptoms may include bloating, nausea, fatigue, debilitating pain during periods, sexual intercourse, urination and bowel movements. ​​​​​​​​

2 – It is commonly thought to be a hormonal condition. However, new research indicates that it is not a hormonal condition, rather it is effected by estrogen but not caused by estrogen.

3 – Endometriosis is now recognised as a whole-body inflammatory and immune disease where there is a dysregulated immune response. It is also possibly a microbial disease. Therefore the future treatment for endometriosis will be steeped heavily in immune treatment.

4 – Risk factors include genetics and exposure to toxins and an imbalanced microbiome.

5 – It seems that modifying the microbiome is one of the best places to start when it comes to the treatment of endometriosis. The microbiome modulates the immune system in many ways. It is not just the gut microbiome that affects endometriosis. High levels of gram-negative bacteria and the bacterial toxin LPS (lipopolysaccharides – the toxins produced by gram negative bacteria such as E coli) in the vaginal, uterine and pelvic microbiome also play a role. This is supported by the fact that women with a history of a gynecological infection are twice as likely to develop endometriosis and antibiotic treatment can dramatically relieve the symptoms of endometriosis.


We are fortunate as natural health practitioners to be equipped with the tools to support and modulate immune function, reduce inflammation and improve gut health. If you feel you may be experiences symptoms of endometriosis reach out for support here.

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