Borrelia burgderfori, commonly known as Lyme disease, is a bacterial infection that has approximately 2,126 medically confirmed cases in Australia. Lyme disease is notoriously known as the great imitator, and rightfully so, due to its nature of producing such a generalised symptom picture.
The ability of this bacteria being able to change its form from spirochete to cystic, intracellular or biofilm, render the conventional testing to often be inconclusive, meaning there are likely many misdiagnosed cases not getting the right answers and treatment. At Merge Health, we use functional testing to create the best and most efficient outcome for Lyme disease treatment.

Here are 13 signs and symptoms that Lyme disease may be present:

  • Bull’s eye rash (however, this rash will only appear in about 30% of cases and when the bacteria is in its spirochete form)
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Joint and nerve pain
  • Unexplained chronic low-grade fever
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Mental disorders
  • Reproductive issues
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Swollen glands & sore throat
  • Shortness of breath/air hunger
  • Brain inflammation
  • Seizures
  • Experiencing a ‘flu-like’ illness and never feeling completely recovered since

Lyme disease – a sneaky pathogen

As you can see, this infection appears quite sneaky in its nature – and more often than not is disregarded as a potential cause, even when testing has exhausted all suspected culprits.

However, thanks to A.R.T founder Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and Louisa Williams, there is much more accurate findings with Autonomic Response Testing that supersedes the infection’s morphic nature commonly evading standard conventional testing. At Merge Health we are using this approach to help out clients with chronic health complaints to find answers and gain health. 

By Fallon Cashell Naturopathic Assistant & A.R.T Practitioner

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