Mould is a common hazard in homes that can cause a range of problems. It’s common for mould to be present even when you can’t smell it or see it. But, if you have a history of water damage or condensation, it’s highly likely that mould is present, which can lead to a range of mould illness. 

Health problems caused by toxic mould

Mould can cause a variety of health issues. You really don’t want to be having an on-going exposure. If you have identified that mould is in your home, you definitely need to look at having it assessed and remediated. 

Mould is a common allergen, so it can often cause a range of respiratory issues, that include breathing difficulties, post-nasal drip, sinus congestion, sneezing, and itchy throat.

Some mycotoxins, the toxins released by mould, can have a suppressive effect on the immune system, which make you more likely to catch infections, such as colds, cases of the flu, and chest infections. If you’ve noticed you seem to be catching everything that’s going around since moving into a new place, you should consider mould as being at the root of the cause.

Are you genetically susceptible to household mould?

In genetically susceptible people, mould can cause a chronic inflammatory illness that affects many different systems of the body. In this instance, it’s common to see symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, muscle aches and cramps, nerve pain, increased thirst and urination, mood swings, balance issues, digestive problems, such as bloating and diarrhoea, and static shocks.

When you are exposed to mould, it can disrupt your gut microbiome, so it’s common to see digestive issues arising. One common problem that can occur is small intestine bacterial overgrowth or SIBO. If you have been treated for SIBO and found that treatment was resistant or you relapsed quickly, then it is a good idea to rule in mould as an underlying driver. If you have mould exposure and you are only treating the SIBO, you are never going to fix your gut.

Get a toxic mould illness assessment

So if you are experiencing any of the above health issues, then you should review with a practitioner experienced in mould illness assessment. There is a range of investigations that can assist in determining whether mould is causing you health issues. Once identified, appropriate strategies can be put in place to get your health back on track and help your body recover from mould illness. 

By Adrian Harper – Mould Illness Expert 

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