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Alternative treatments for SIBO

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SIBO stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. Normally, the small intestine contains low levels of bacteria compared to the large intestine. However, when bacteria from the large intestine migrate or overgrow into the small intestine, it can lead to digestive symptoms and other health issues. Due to similar symptoms, it’s often misdiagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

At Merge, we use alternative and natural treatments for SIBO, focusing on addressing the underlying causes of the bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine, restoring balance to your gut microbiome and alleviating your symptoms. We do this by creating a personalised nutrition plan consisting of herbal remedies, probiotics & prebiotics and whole foods that restore balance to your gut.

Diagnosing and testing for SIBO

If you suspect you’re suffering from SIBO, your first step to getting help is booking a wellness kickstarter with us. For more info, click here.

Bloating and flatulence

Bloating is one of the most common symptoms of SIBO. Bacteria in the small intestine causes the production of excessive gas, causing feelings of fullness and discomfort, and can also lead to frequent flatulence.

Abdominal pain or discomfort

Cramping, aching or sharp pain is often felt in the lower abdomen and may worsen after eating or drinking.

Diarrhoea and constipation

SIBO can disrupt normal digestion and lead to changes in bowel habits, including diarrhoea or constipation.


SIBO can interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness and unintended weight loss.

What kills SIBO naturally?

Killing SIBO naturally involves implementing dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as using certain supplements and herbal remedies that can help reduce bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine.

What is the fastest way to cure SIBO?

Any form of healing takes time, but the most efficient way to naturally cure SIBO is to address the bacteria overgrowth in order to relieve your symptoms. Get our signature Gut Rebalance Program by booking a wellness kickstarter with one of our Merge health practitioners.

How do I permanently get rid of SIBO?

Our health practitioners will work with you to reduce the risk of SIBO recurrence and support long-term gut health by addressing any underlying issues and providing a maintenance plan.

Can apple cider vinegar get rid of SIBO?

Always make sure to talk to your health practitioner before deciding to take apple cider vinegar for SIBO.

Are probiotics better than antibiotics for SIBO?

Both prebiotics and antibiotics can be extremely helpful for SIBO and can both be part of a comprehensive SIBO treatment plan. At Merge Health we prescribe pharmaceutical antibiotics sparingly and focus on herbal and nutritional antimicrobials probiotics and prebiotics to heal the gut from SIBO. Depending on the type of SIBO you have will depend on what probiotics or natural antibiotics are suitable.

Book a wellness kickstart with us so we can find the best solution that suits you.

How do you treat SIBO without medication?

Treating SIBO without medication typically involves a combination of dietary modifications, lifestyle changes and natural therapies aimed at reducing bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, supporting gut health and relieving symptoms. 

It’s essential to work closely with one of our health practitioners to develop a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, preferences and underlying health conditions.

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