Common Conditions

Breast Implant Illness Treatment

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Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a term we use to describe symptoms caused by breast implants.  

These symptoms are caused by your immune system reacting to a foreign body (the implants) or the materials they’re made from. Mast cells are our bodies’ ‘first responders’. They identify the problem and rally to protect the rest of the body by expelling the agent from the body or walling it off with scar tissue. 

In the case of BII, the mast cells activate to respond to the foreign agent — the implant capsule — by forming a wall of scar tissue around the implant, like an egg shell keeping it away from the rest of the body. 

During this process, when the mast cells activate, they release chemical mediators such as adrenaline, histamine, and cytokines into your system. These mediators can then lead to their own side effects such as anxiety, fatigue, hives, fluid retention and heart palpitations. This is referred to as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). 

For more information on MCAS, click here.

First, we’ll do an assessment to rule out other potential causes of these symptoms. Once we determine that the implants are the root cause of your problems, we can help you take proactive steps to boost your body’s detoxification process to treat the symptoms. There are a range of options available, and our health practitioners can help find the best modalities for your specific needs.

Diagnosing and testing for Breast Implant Illness

The first step to get help if you have Breast Implant Illness is to book your wellness kickstarter. See our unique approach to treating Breast Implant Illness here.


This is caused by chronic inflammation triggered by the presence of your breast implants and disrupted sleep patterns caused by discomfort. It’s also a symptom of MCAS.

Joint and muscle pain; skin rashes

An inflammatory response to the materials the implants are made from, such as silicone.

Brain fog and memory loss

Caused by hormonal imbalances that affect brain function.

Autoimmune-like symptoms

The immune system mistakenly targets healthy tissues for the materials your implants are made from.

How common is breast implant illness?

It’s hard to know how many people with implants suffer from breast implant illness, though more people are reporting symptoms they believe to be caused by their implants.

Can breast implant illness cause weight gain?

Yes, metabolic changes can occur if there is significant inflammation or mast cell activation in response to the breast implant. It may be harder to gain or lose weight.

Can you test for Breast Implant Illness?

Though there are no specific tests for breast implant illness, at Merge Health we do extensive assessments to get to the root cause of your symptoms.

It’s important to understand that while BII can occur without a rupture of the breast implant, it’s crucial to undergo assessment to determine if your breast implant has ruptured. Our holistic approach includes thorough evaluations to identify potential triggers and contributors to your symptoms, ensuring comprehensive care and treatment plans.

Do all breast implants cause illness?

No, they don’t. It depends on the type of implant and how your own body reacts to them.

Can you die from breast implant illness?

Breast implant illness is not considered life-threatening, and there’s no evidence of it leading to death. However, if you’re experiencing symptoms of breast implant illness, it’s best to see a health practitioner as soon as you can.

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