Common Conditions

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), is an often misunderstood medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s a complex chronic illness that involves dysfunction in the nervous system, immune system, hormonal system and digestive system. 

Those who suffer with CFS/ME experience a significant reduction in the ability to engage in pre-illness activity for 6 months or more. This reduction in activity is accompanied by persistent fatigue.

At Merge Health, we find answers to why you became unwell by assessing your clinical history and symptoms alongside comprehensive functional testing. This helps us understand what your triggers are. 

Often with CFS/ME, we see that the body is burdened with a high toxin overload. This could be driven by viral load, stealth infections such as bartonella or borrelia, mould biotoxins, heavy metals or emotional factors like trauma and/or chronic stress. 

By isolating these factors, we can work with you to restore the function of your whole being.

Diagnosing and testing for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The first step to get help if you have ME/CFS is to book your wellness kickstarter. See our unique approach to treating complex chronic illness here.


You may experience bone-deep fatigue that isn’t improved with rest or sleep. This kind of fatigue isn’t the same as normal tiredness, and can negatively impact your body and mind.

Orthostatic Intolerance

Orthostatic Intolerance is caused by an underlying autonomic dysfunction that causes difficulty with prolonged sitting or standing. Symptoms include feeling dizzy or faint, nausea, palpitations or chest discomfort, light-headedness, visual disturbances, sweating, worsening of physical or mental fatigue, headaches, tremors and anxiety. 

Orthostatic Intolerance in CFSE/ME is often diagnosed as Postural Orthostatic Intolerance (POTS). POTS is diagnosed if there’s an increased heart rate of more than 30 beats per minute, with an absence of low blood pressure after sitting or standing.

Cognitive Difficulties

This can include difficulty concentrating or finding words, memory problems and mental fatigue, or ‘brain fog’.

Sore Throat and Swollen Lymph Nodes

Persistent sore throats and swollen lymph nodes in and around the neck, underarms or groin area are common. This can get worse with increased physical or mental load.

Flu-Like Symptoms

Low grade fever, night sweats and chills are common complaints with chronic fatigue. It’s often described as feeling like consistently being on the verge of getting a cold or the flu.

Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM)

PEM is a characteristic of fatigue that is worsened by physical or mental activity.

Muscle and Joint Pain

Muscles can feel weak, heavy and very tender. It’s also common for patients with CFS/ME to have a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

Sleep Disturbance

It can be difficult for people with CFS/ME to fall asleep and stay asleep. Even if you can, it’s not usually refreshing.

What is the best medication for chronic fatigue?

At Merge Health, we focus on a functional and integrative approach to treating chronic fatigue. We use a range of vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements to correct any underlying deficiencies or insufficiencies and reduce the toxic burden, returning the body to top form. Medications can be used, but sparingly.

What is the new treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

There’s no universal treatment or cure for CFS/ME, which is why it’s essential to identify the root cause/s and develop a personal treatment plan.

The traditional approach of prescribing a graded exercise program or cognitive behavioural therapy doesn’t address the dysfunction caused by Chronic Fatigue. At Merge Health, we don’t support this approach.

How do you cope with chronic fatigue syndrome?

It’s important to work on symptoms, such as poor sleep, pain and mood disturbances, as soon as possible to improve your daily life. 

Here’s what we recommend:

  • Manage your activity levels while in recovery to prevent symptoms getting worse. 
  • Have a consistent daily sleep-wake routine. 
  • Identify and remove any triggers in the environment such as mould, chemicals and foods that you may be sensitive to. 
  • Restore autonomic and sympathetic nervous system functioning using exercises that improve vagal tone and reduce stress. 
  • Support your gut health and correct any frank nutrient deficiencies. 
  • Make sure you have access to a strong support network such as your collaborative care team at Merge Health, family and friends.

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