These are some of the most common fertility-boosting tips that I find myself talking with clients about in our initial consults. Of course, health needs to be custom made to your personal requirements, but starting with these basics can help you get on the right track.

1) Eat a diet high in vegetables with adequate amounts of good quality protein.

Choose organic food wherever possible, especially prioritising meat and other animal products. Consume adequate amounts of vegetables every day to ensure that you are getting enough antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to support egg and sperm quality. After all, your eggs and sperm can only be as good as the nutrients you eat to build them.

2) Consume good quality fats.

Eat good quality fats daily such as avocado, deep-sea fish (small size only to avoid excess mercury and contaminates) cold-pressed extra virgin oils such as olive, walnut, sesame. Avoid bad fats, such as trans fats, margarine, canola oil and excess animal fats. Good quality fat consumption is directly linked to not only good fertility in couples but also better success rates in IVF.

3) Avoid chemicals and soft plastics where possible.

There are mountains of research to show that soft plastics (including BPA free ones) and many of the chemicals we use in our daily lives (perfumes, skincare, cleaners, furnishings) are endocrine disruptors. An endocrine disruptor is something that mimics your natural hormones (most commonly estrogen) in your body and can cause changes to your hormonal system. They have been strongly linked with reduced fertility in not only humans but wildlife as well. Using natural products where possible and avoiding all plastics near your food (takeaway containers or Tupperware) is so important for not only fertility but general hormonal health in both men and women.

4) Drink 2 litres of filtered water daily

Make sure your water comes from a plastic-free water source for assistance in detoxification and good mineral content.

5) Sleep deeply

Get a good amount of hours of sleep per night and ensure you involve yourself in stress-reducing activities just before bed such as reading or meditation. Avoid screens just before bed as screentime has been shown to increase the time it takes to fall asleep and the quality of sleep.

6) Stress less.

Ensure you engage in at least one stress-reducing activity per day; it is easier said than done but you will feel better after it! Some ideas for those who find this hard: yoga, meditation, reading, walking, swimming, getting out into green space or catching up with friends. Herbs and supplements can help your body’s reactions to stress and may be needed.

7)  Get your dose of vitamin D!

Vitamin D is so important for fertility, there are even vitamin D receptors on the ovaries! Vitamin D is not only linked with better pregnancy rates but also reduced risk of preeclampsia and stronger immune system for mum and baby, and reduced rates of autism, ADHD, and possibly even food allergies in children. Make sure you get your levels checked to see if you need supplementation, especially after a long winter in Melbourne! 

It takes 90 days

Remember that it takes 90 days on average for our cells in our body to regenerate so starting these changes before you try to conceive is ideal, but making the changes regardless of timing is the most important thing. Getting your vitamin and mineral levels assessed is also crucial for certain deficiencies can contribute to infertility. These changes can be made easier with the right advice and support. To start your healthy fertility boosting habits now make an appointment to see me …

By Samantha Van Dort – Natural Fertility Expert


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